This is exactly how I feel today (minus the smile perhaps). We've had colds for over a week and I'd really like to be able to breathe out of my nose again!! I have pretty lame problems - sorry to anyone who has a real problem to sniffle about. (lame puns too) :)
Brian and I got to go to a reunion last night commemorating my Grandma's arrival to Ogden from Holland. Her family joined the LDS church and then immigrated here in the 1920's. My great-grandparents have over 700 descendants now. It struck me that our decisions can have a profound influence on the lives of literally thousands of people - and that's just within the first century of our passing. That's a lot of pressure - humbling but inspiring at the same time. I'm so thankful for all of the good, honest, hard-working people that set the stage for me to be where I am today. Comforting to know we don't have to be famous or do something extraordinary to make a profound contribution to this crazy world we live in.
Well that's my thought for the day...

Hey! I can comment again! Good.
I'm glad that there are examples of the impact one person's life can make, and I'm glad you shared this one. Sometimes it's hard to think the menial things a mom does every today--slogging through laundry, cooking, cleaning, playing endless games with Matchbox cars--and the everyday, dull decisions that make up my life might be important in the future. (But I really doubt I'll have 700 descendants even in a century's time!)
Very cute pictures. I wish I could have gone to that reunion. We're very lucky to have such courageous and hard-working ancestors. I guess we can get through this life and stuff, because they did it without all the conveniences we enjoy. Hope you guys feel much better soon. Being sick is miserable. Love you.
We have colds, too! No fun. Thanks for reminding me how important our decisions really are.
Hi Lisa,
I'm Ina's crazy friend Ashlie. One of the Dosdall ladies (Jana, I think) mentioned your blog while we were visiting Grosse Ile. I had to peek to see your SUPER DUPER CUTE boys (and of course, to get a peek in the window at the FABULOUS Lisa and Brian that I hear so many good things about)! I hope you don't mind me peeking or posting a comment.
I really appreciated your thoughts from your reunion. What a neat legacy that has gone before you and that you are building upon. Your thoughts were a good reminder that we don't have to be extraordinary to make even a small difference. Onward and upward!
You have a darling family! I love hearing about you all from Tom & Ina! I hope you all feel better soon! Have a good one!
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