Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas everyone!!

We've had a really nice Holiday so far. The best part is that Brian's been off of work for a whole week. We visited my parents (and Aubrey's family) in Boise last weekend and had a great time. We had fun playing at the Discovery Center, eating good food, and enjoying eachother's company. Then we came back to Logan and got snowed in for Christmas Eve. The kids put on a cute Nativity scene while Brian read from the scriptures. Christmas morning was magical, of course. Our sweet boys were so excited -- I think this picture of Cameron captures it best. We started a new tradition of making crepes on Christmas morning, and then I spent the entire day putting together a lego castle for Brian (it said for ages 6 and up, but it nearly drove me insane -- especially when Cameron and Adam ripped the whole thing apart twice before I finally got it put together (where's Uncle Carl when you need him?). It was worth the effort, though, and little Brian thought I was awesome and thanked me over and over again for my help. We've had fun playing with toys and hanging out all week. We hope all of our family and friends have had a nice Christmas, too!
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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas time at the Llewellyn's

We are getting SOOO excited for Christmas around here. We made cupcakes with green and red sprinkles after church today (I had to bribe Tyler to go to church without complaining -- it worked surprisingly well). Adam ate 3 (yes 3!) cupcakes (though most ended up on the floor), and is now happily sleeping.

I have to brag about my husband for a minute...he took his Logistics final on Saturday and got an A! He will most likely get an A in the class. We had a nice break from school and work Saturday to celebrate (went to the Temple and out to dinner -- much needed quiet time!).
Cameron has toned down his terrible two agression this week, and Adam is overflowing with the cutest little personality. He's started getting into everything (the tupperware drawer is always empty these days...) The only hard thing is that if I put him down and he wants to be held (which is most of the time), he squeals like his finger is being slammed in a car door. I hope it is a passing phase. The rest of the boys have been really good (by Llewellyn standards).

This Book of Mormon/Tyler sleeping picture is legit. Brian has started personal scripture study at night, and Tyler thinks he's big enough to do it too. One night I heard him flipping pages for at least 10 minutes. When I went to check on him later, he was zonked out and I couldn't pass up the photo op. Well, we hope you all have a wonderful week getting ready for Christmas! We leave for Boise on Friday or Saturday for a quick visit. It should be fun to see some of my family.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Good times...

These pictures are from a few weekends ago. Brian ran in his first race (he was convinced he was going to win until he saw all the "big boys" there.) The rest of the pics are from the Elk Festival (only in Logan, right?). The balloons are supposed to look like elk racks. We shot BB-guns, bows, and rode a horse-drawn wagon through elk country. Very fun. Speaking of fun, we had a great time this weekend with Carl, Steph and Ben. Cute family. Ben (and all the boys for that matter ) had a fun time sliding down a big inflatatle slide, riding a carousel, and climbing through a McDonald's-type play area. That's about all for now...

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Brian is 6!

Can you believe we're that old? Crazy. Speaking of crazy, his party was insane. Next time remind me not to try to drive anywhere with a bunch of little boys -- especially when there is a parade going down Main Street! We made it through relatively unscathed though, and Brian had a great time.

Other than that, not much else is new. We love fall in Logan -- the leaves changing and everything. Before we know it, the mountains will be covered with snow.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

August News

Adam is crawling everywhere these days. At 6 months, he's our earliest crawler. He even pulls himself up on the couch, and then gets a little scared because he knows that falling is inevitable if mom isn't close by. We visited Delona's family in Orem a few weeks ago, and she snapped some family pictures of us at BYU. It was strange being back on campus -- this time with 4 little boys. Where has the time gone? We visited Boise as well this month, this time to say farewell to Rick, who's heading off to Independence, MI for his mission. We're proud of him -- he's seems so grown up and mature these days. Speaking of grown up, Brian is officially "big" now -- he caught the bus to his first day of Kindergarten last week. He is SO ready to go (he barely missed the deadline last year, so he's one of the oldest). And last but not least, Uncle Carl and cousin Ben came to visit over Labor Day weekend. We had a fantastic time together. We went to the park a few times, watched a few movies, and went to a remote control air show (Ben was absolutely adorable -- ask him what an airplane says next time you see him. He puts his arms out like wings and makes the cutest noises). We will miss them when they move to Arizona next year! Well that's about all for now...

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

July Update

Adam is growing big, Aubrey and Mark (and BethAnne and Grace) stopped in for a visit so we went fishing and played in the sand, Tyler had an awesome dinosaur birthday (he turned 4!) with 25 neighbor kids (yes, it was a bit crazy), and Cameron drove us crazy by escaping into the garage to ride dad's motorcycle 14 times a day (literally!). We also finished our basement (Lisa is loving it because all of the toys are downstairs now!). To top the month off, we went camping at Tony Grove (a beautiful place near Bear Lake) and discovered that Tyler is absolutely obsessed with fire. That's about all for now...

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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Quick Update...

Hi family and friends. We've had a fun couple of months. Tyler caught his first fish (he called it "a rainbow fish named trout"), Adam was blessed, Brian played his first team sport, all of the Baker grandkids got together, and the boys helped? us paint the basement. We love you all!


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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Adam Jacob Llewellyn

Adam was born February 9th at 7:40pm. He was a healthy 8lbs 13oz, and 20 inches long. We are so blessed to have this little guy in our family. The boys all love him (except I have to wonder when Cameron tries to sit on him...)


When Adam was 3 weeks old, he was still sleeping 23 hours a day and wasn't gaining weight very quickly. Then I found him laying on the couch with blue lips. Althoug he started breathing again when I picked him up, we took him to the doctor, and then on to the hospital. We spent two nights there and worried as his oxygen saturation levels dropped to 60 and 70% over and over again. He stopped breathing at least 5 times, and we were mad at the doctor when he told us "oh, it's just acid reflux...he'll grow out of it." Adam went home from the hospital with oxygen, and we found a more concerned doctor who has done quite a bit of research for us. It probably is reflux-related, as his reflux medication seems to be working, but he still gags and coughs enough to keep us worried. He goes in for more tests in a few days.

The rest of the family is doing just fine. The drywall in the basement is finished, and Brian cased out most of the windows on the main floor this weekend. We'll keep you posted...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lisa's sister Chrissy and her husband Jon came to Logan for the weekend to help hang drywall in the basement. We are so thankful for all of the family and friends who have helped us with our house! We're hoping to have all three rooms in the basement finished by May for the baby blessing...

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Christmas time! We went to Bountiful on Christmas Eve and enjoyed visiting all of Lisa's extended family on her mom's side. The boys loved meeting their second cousins. In this picture, Brian is thanking Great-Grandma Shurtliff for a fun dinosaur toy.

Christmas morning - waiting to see if Santa came....The Boys are so excited they can hardly stand it. And a few minutes later, after the stocking craziness, they gather around one of their new favorite toys.

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