This is exactly how I feel today (minus the smile perhaps). We've had colds for over a week and I'd really like to be able to breathe out of my nose again!! I have pretty lame problems - sorry to anyone who has a real problem to sniffle about. (lame puns too) :)
Brian and I got to go to a reunion last night commemorating my Grandma's arrival to Ogden from Holland. Her family joined the LDS church and then immigrated here in the 1920's. My great-grandparents have over 700 descendants now. It struck me that our decisions can have a profound influence on the lives of literally thousands of people - and that's just within the first century of our passing. That's a lot of pressure - humbling but inspiring at the same time. I'm so thankful for all of the good, honest, hard-working people that set the stage for me to be where I am today. Comforting to know we don't have to be famous or do something extraordinary to make a profound contribution to this crazy world we live in.
Well that's my thought for the day...