Sunday, September 21, 2008


Happy Sunday everyone. Brian turned 7 this past week. I love to be able to say my kids are 7, 5, 3, and 1 - it makes tham sound further apart. We celebrated Brian's birthday on two days. On Thursday, I set up a table with balloons in our yard and served cake to all the kids as they came off the school bus. 40 kids and moms in all. We had fun, and Brian loved the attention. We opened presents on Friday, because big Brian has school on Thursdays. Brian got his first bike that wasn't a hand-me-down (though he's already taken a few good falls and scuffed it up a bit.) After presents we went fishing with our wonderful neighbors, the Olsen's, and had a really nice time playing in the sand, chatting, and catching a few fish (luckily it was only the Olsen kids who caught the fish, so I didn't have to cook any!) .

I included this pic of Cameron because it reminded me how much I love to lay in those patches of sunshine on a yucky day...

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