Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Family Reunions!

We've been crazy busy this past month. First, we had Brian's parents, his sister Karie, and his sister Delona's family come for a weekend. We had a great time camping (but remind me not to take an 18 month old to a lake with only one pair of shoes ever again). We also spent a day at Bear Lake. Cameron was amazed at how big the fish were, and he couldn't get enough of the waverunner. We forgot Brian's sunscreen, we ate really greasy hamburgers, and we were grateful for showers and comfy beds when we got home.

This past weekend, all of Lisa's family (except Chrissy's husband Jon) came to our house. There were 21 of us all in the same house. Getting ready for church was a challenge (Carl washed his hair in the kitchen sink), but everything else ran really smoothly. Everyone's kids are getting so big. It's fun to see them play together. We are looking forward to future reunions with less 2-year old tantrums, but lots of fun memories were made despite the occasional choas. Lisa's dad made a trip to the emergency room on Saturday, but is doing fine now (those darn 4-wheelers are fun, but sometimes you have to wonder if they are worth it!)

School starts next week. Brian will be in 1st grade and Tyler will be in afternoon kindergarten. I'm glad I still have 2 little ones at home, and I'm looking forward to an occasional nap with them!

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