Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back to school

We started the month off right with the reunion, and then we tried to make the most of the rest of the summer. I've got these pictures out of order, but here's Tyler on his first day of kindergarten. As you can see, there are plenty of kids his age in the neighborhood. He's got a crush on the girl standing next to him - yep, he has good taste.We did s'mores and hot dogs at the park a few Mondays ago (since we never got around to it during the reunion). It was a fun family night activity.

We got to go horseback riding with some friends we haven't seen in over 3 years. They live in Newport Beach, so we think we'll go and visit them next! Vanessa is a professional photographer there, and she got me excited about photography again. I've been looking at cameras and saving up for one.

Brian has a great work party every year at a small amusement park here. We got to rock climb and do bumper cars. I even went on a really scary ride. We had a great time.

I was the world's best and worst mom all in the same day yesterday. We took the kids to play tennis, I made french bread and cinnamon rolls, and then I got out the slip-and-slide to celebrate the last really hot day of summer (at least that's what the weather man called it). I even braved it a few times (though my arms are paying the price this morning!). Brian sprayed a bunch of wasps while we were outside, and they went everywhere. One even went down my shirt and stung me three times before Brian bear-hugged me (and it) to death. I almost stripped right then and there in our front yard, but I showed a little restraint and waited until I was in the entryway (but I think the door was still open). The kids played on that darn slip-n-slide (actually just a thick, long piece of plastic that Brian staked into the ground) for over 5 hours. They slept SOOO well last night. Here's where the bad mom part comes in. I was too tired to cook last night, so we had cinnamon rolls for dinner. That's all we ate. The boys didn't mind, but I think it was the least nutritious meal I have ever served. So that's about it for now. I better go get those yahoos ready for church (which Tyler just informed me is "WAY, WAY, WAY too wong and borin."
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