We went to the USU vs BYU game Friday night. It was nice to be able to root for both teams. BYU did good in the first half, and then played terribly - I mean worse than I've ever seen anyone play. USU got 2 (almost 3) touchdowns in the last half, and played way better than I thought they would, considering their reputation. BYU still won 34 to 14, but they should still be ashamed of themselves! Anyway, the kids had fun, but got bored towards the end (especially Adam, who kept kicking the guy in front of us. Which would have been ok, except he was one of Brian's clients. Oh well...)
Conference was nice this weekend. I love being able to sit for 8 hours without feeling guilty. Two of our boys are sick today, and I'm hoping no one ends up puking in the middle of the night! We're getting flu shots on Wednesday, so hopefully we'll stay relatively healthy this winter. Love you all!