So Big Brian went to Florida for business this weekend. I tried to tell Cameron he was at work, but Cameron just said, "no, OCEAN!" Though he did get to go to the ocean one evening to gather seashells for the boys, I thing it's more work than play. Little Bri stepped up to be the man of the house. I asked him to shovel the walk and he did a fantastic job. He even sprinkled salt on the steps without me having to ask - "cuz that's what dad always does." After he was done shoveling, he told me that he'd have to sleep in my bed now. That didn't happen, but I found myself wide awake at 1 in the morning, clutching my cell phone and scared to death that my alarm would go off any minute, so I put Cameron on the floor and took his bed so I could be protected by all 4 of my little men.
In the third picture, Cam's giving the thumbs up because he's awesome at bowling (gotta love those ramps and bumpers!). He's also doing a fantastic job potty training. He's been dry for two days now, though I had to find 4 different restrooms in the course of 2 hours running errands yesterday. The last picture of Adam was my feable attempt to avoid going to Kiddie Kandids. Adam is sitting on my shoulders right now because he won't leave the mouse and keyboard alone. Ouch, that's my hair. Anyway, love you all.