Sunday, September 23, 2007

Brian is 6!

Can you believe we're that old? Crazy. Speaking of crazy, his party was insane. Next time remind me not to try to drive anywhere with a bunch of little boys -- especially when there is a parade going down Main Street! We made it through relatively unscathed though, and Brian had a great time.

Other than that, not much else is new. We love fall in Logan -- the leaves changing and everything. Before we know it, the mountains will be covered with snow.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

August News

Adam is crawling everywhere these days. At 6 months, he's our earliest crawler. He even pulls himself up on the couch, and then gets a little scared because he knows that falling is inevitable if mom isn't close by. We visited Delona's family in Orem a few weeks ago, and she snapped some family pictures of us at BYU. It was strange being back on campus -- this time with 4 little boys. Where has the time gone? We visited Boise as well this month, this time to say farewell to Rick, who's heading off to Independence, MI for his mission. We're proud of him -- he's seems so grown up and mature these days. Speaking of grown up, Brian is officially "big" now -- he caught the bus to his first day of Kindergarten last week. He is SO ready to go (he barely missed the deadline last year, so he's one of the oldest). And last but not least, Uncle Carl and cousin Ben came to visit over Labor Day weekend. We had a fantastic time together. We went to the park a few times, watched a few movies, and went to a remote control air show (Ben was absolutely adorable -- ask him what an airplane says next time you see him. He puts his arms out like wings and makes the cutest noises). We will miss them when they move to Arizona next year! Well that's about all for now...

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