When Adam was 3 weeks old, he was still sleeping 23 hours a day and wasn't gaining weight very quickly. Then I found him laying on the couch with blue lips. Althoug he started breathing again when I picked him up, we took him to the doctor, and then on to the hospital. We spent two nights there and worried as his oxygen saturation levels dropped to 60 and 70% over and over again. He stopped breathing at least 5 times, and we were mad at the doctor when he told us "oh, it's just acid reflux...he'll grow out of it." Adam went home from the hospital with oxygen, and we found a more concerned doctor who has done quite a bit of research for us. It probably is reflux-related, as his reflux medication seems to be working, but he still gags and coughs enough to keep us worried. He goes in for more tests in a few days.
The rest of the family is doing just fine. The drywall in the basement is finished, and Brian cased out most of the windows on the main floor this weekend. We'll keep you posted...