We built our house last year, and then decided to put the yard in this summer. Brian liked building the house better! We think our lot was once a river bed because we have more rocks than dirt. The more rocks we rake out, the more appear to take their place. It's like a bad dream that never ends!

We (ok, mostly Brian -- but Lisa and the boys do their best) have spent countless hours in the hot sun digging trenches, laying pipe, running wire, getting all of the big rocks out of the yard, filling in the trenches and raking everything smooth again (thanks for your help, mom and dad!). We laid half of the sod a few weeks ago (we had a ton of help from our nice neighbors and friends) and it's starting to look great. We will finish up the sod in a few weeks. Lisa has had fun picking out plants and figuring out where to put them. Bushes are expensive, but I guess that's what we've found out about a lot of things.
The boys have been real troopers -- this picture of Cameron is typical of how they look (and feel) after a day of helping us outside. You should see the bathtub every night!