Friday, November 03, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Brian and Tyler ("Tiger") insisted on being scary this year, so they wouldn't smile for the picture. Despite their grouchy faces, we all had a fun day -- 2 Halloween parties, a community carnival, trunk-or-treat in the church parking lot, and the traditional trek around the neighborhood -- I'm tired just thinking about it again! Cameron was happy I found another tiger costume before he ripped Tyler's tail off trying to steal his. We have way more candy than I know what to do with - the kids think they've died and gone to heaven.

Brian spared me the icky task of pumpkin carving. I supervised and made sure the kids got more paint on the pumpkins than on themselves. Little Brian has decided that Halloween is "way more funner than Christmas." I bet he'll change his mind in a few months!

Monday, September 25, 2006

And one more makes four!

Boys that is. Llewellyn boy #4 is due on Valentine's Day, and we couldn't be more excited. Tyler and Brian took the news very well, despite the fact that they have insisted for months that it would be a baby girl like their new cousin Emily. I regret that we won't be inheriting Emily's darling clothes (and her pink suede bouncer seat!) but besides that I'm glad that Cameron will always have a buddy and someone to share a bedroom with. We've set up a missionary fund through Wells Fargo - you can donate to any branch - j/k (but not a bad idea!) :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New Arrivals...

In the beginning of this year, 6 of my dearest friends and sisters were all pregnant. Ryan and Danielle Davis had baby Katelyn in February, the same day that Carl and Stephanie had baby Ben. Karena and Rich Gardner delivered Jonah in April.

Ray and Delona had Emily Anne Greer in July,
a week and a half before Aubrey and Mark welcomed Grace Kathleen Rogers (she came at 33 weeks, but mom and baby are both doing well now).
Suzie and Jeff rounded off the baby bonanza with Aiden Bousquet on August 7th.

What we did this summer...

We built our house last year, and then decided to put the yard in this summer. Brian liked building the house better! We think our lot was once a river bed because we have more rocks than dirt. The more rocks we rake out, the more appear to take their place. It's like a bad dream that never ends!

We (ok, mostly Brian -- but Lisa and the boys do their best) have spent countless hours in the hot sun digging trenches, laying pipe, running wire, getting all of the big rocks out of the yard, filling in the trenches and raking everything smooth again (thanks for your help, mom and dad!). We laid half of the sod a few weeks ago (we had a ton of help from our nice neighbors and friends) and it's starting to look great. We will finish up the sod in a few weeks. Lisa has had fun picking out plants and figuring out where to put them. Bushes are expensive, but I guess that's what we've found out about a lot of things.

The boys have been real troopers -- this picture of Cameron is typical of how they look (and feel) after a day of helping us outside. You should see the bathtub every night!


Welcome to our family blog. This web site seems super easy to use, so we might actually keep it updated!

We'd love to hear from you, so post a comment or create your own blog.

- Brian, Lisa, Brian (5), Tyler (3) and Cameron (1)